MSK-IX / Internet Exchange / How to connect
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How to connect

To connect to MSK-IX, please perform the following steps:

  1. Contact the MSK-IX administrative representatives and determine the appropriate connection parameters: PoP location, port configuration and speed. MSK-IX can provide colocation or assist you in remote connection via partner networks.

  2. Obtain your organization ID and the allocated MSK-IX port details.

  3. Sign a service agreement with MSK-IX. For Internet eXchange service, MSK-IX offers a 14-day trial period.

  4. Provision a cross-connect line between your equipment and the alocated MSK-IX port. Indicate the cross-connect markup to MSK-IX technical representatives. To obtain a Letter of Authorization from MSK-IX, send a request to MSK-IX administrative representatives (Template in Russian).

  5. Arrange payment of installation fees.

  6. Request your access to MY.IX.RU Customer Portal.

  7. Provide your configuration details to administrative and technical representatives of MSK-IX:

    • MAC address of your router
    • If connecting to common (peering) VLAN: FQDN to setup reverse DNS and PTR records
    • Required protocols: IPv4 and / or IPv6 (default IPv4)
  8. Upon enabling, your MSK-IX port is configured in the Quarantine VLAN. When your setup is finished, send notification to MSK-IX NOC ( If the quarantine tests detect no errors, your port is configured to a VLAN as per your order. MSK-IX may extend the quarantine tests in case of non-compliance with the Technological Requirements.

  9. Configure BGP sessions with the Route Server and / or with other MSK-IX participants. If necessary, establish peering with DNS servers . Do not forget to update your Internet Routing Registry (IRR) and PeeringDB records.

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